Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thoughts of a disturbed mind….

Generally people feel happier when they get an offer letter from a company they desire to work for. But I was just an exceptional case when I got my offer letter from the consulting major.

The discussion for joining had been going for a long time but the offer letter did not excite me as the major hurdles were the location and the package they offer me. This is quite natural and true that the persons who are willing to relocate to Guwahati has been offered a higher pay and there is an allowance for risk cover as the place is quite infamous for serial blasts besides tribal unrest, Bangladesh infiltrations and ULFA. Quite interestingly, more bombs went off in past 2 weeks. As the elections are round the corner, ULFA and other extremist organizations try to disrupt the electoral process by several blasts.

In this situation, I decided against the wave and decided to take my chance by shifting to Guwahati but then the company failed to read between the lines. No thinking person would accept to take the challenge without the money compensating for it.

A quick comparison between my existing job and the would be job throws an interesting phenomenon. My existing job, though do not give me sleepless nights ,is not quite challenging. I do enjoy the job though it seems to be not befitting to my education and experience. Certainly, I do deserve better. A 9 to 6 job with no traveling, all office work with AC conditioned room, highly jovial team members and exciting office buddies. Though the BOSS sometimes creates unusual ruckus by changing certain rules and regulations as per his wish that at all not palatable for many in the organization. Though it is quite natural in a small organization where in the BOSS is one in all. A rather extra-ordinary cool job with no nonsense stress in the cup of tea.

On the other side, it’s a dream to be working with a consultancy taking up big big projects with laptops in hand and taking up challenging tasks. The offer is thus a good chance to showcase my talent that to in an unusual disturbed territory. Should be exciting na..but alas what for, a person will risk his life without having all the coverage. I mean at least the package should act like a catalyst to take a quick decision and to jump into the bandwagon. With a variable package of 20%, the in-hand component would be far less that what I am getting right now with my existing company.

And round the corner, its appraisal time. I could expect a 20% hike with my previous organization , that would take my in hand component to a handsome salary.

With all my friends in NTPC, it’s almost a party time at every night. A co-0ordial atmosphere with loving friends with no such troubles like fooding, loneliness and extra tension of rent and all that.

How could one imagine leaving behind all these happiness to go in search for the unknown? Quite difficult but yes I decided against the wind .Though my near and dear refused to buy my point and vehemently opposed me to go to that area even with a salary hike. I am in my early 30’s now, still single and searching for eligible bride. Can you imagine the scenario. Who is going to marry me when she learns that I am posted in the North East region, even the 6 figure salary will not attract the beauties to tie knot with me. Its true as the opinion poll shows it.

And wow!! What a company. They do not want to give me a hike and my salary is linked to two my batch mates working at that company. It is quite illogical to link me with them and the clause in my offer letter that my salary will be revised accordingly as and when their salary will be hiked. It is well known that after say 15 days they will have their revised pay perk with some salary increment but the company does not want me to have a salary hike and said that it’s against the company’s principle.

Am I a fool, definitely yes, as I am agreed to their point when I know that people from other institutions are getting much more than what NPTIans are getting there. Don’t it seems quite irrational and one more factor my juniors will be joining the company shortly , ironically with same pay package.

I know I have done quite a good amount of mistakes in my life and do repented for that. But then, will it be good to accept the offer with a smaller package and join them. What will I get there , some project exposure with learning experience and lot of client interaction and a brand name. But as one of my friend puts it..It is the end result which counts, the amount which comes to your packet at the end of the month and It is true that I will not be getting a single penny increment if I do accept that offer.

There is always a chance for negotiation. I did write to that company with all my reservations but the response was not so exciting either. It must be a two side negotiation with both the parties leaning forward to have a successful contract. But, it seems that the company do want cheap man power for the job in hand. I have decided not to play into their hands though I asked for an extension of 1 month to decide for the future plans.

A disturbed mind or a beautiful mind / with or without judgment / Delhi dreams or Guwahati musings.. completely undecided .Lets see what is store for me in future as I always say “ Except some unexpected things in life and march on”.

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