Monday, June 8, 2009

A scarry night in my life........

I never believed in such stories till that night I always try not to believe.But yes, when things go completely wrong with you, you are forced to believe the unbelieved.Similar story happened to me some 10 years ago.My neighbor's only son died in a bizarre electric shock accident in our adjacent house.At that time i was in my 3rd year of engineering and though he was a good friend of mine, we very often talked to each other.I was with my father at that horrible night and i was sleeping in my room.At around mid night, I felt someone right on top of me and trying to block my air circulation. I could feel a heavy weight just at the top of my chest.I opened my eyes, could see nothing, trying to move my hands and legs but all in vein. I could not help but to shout but alas i could only hear my shout, no one else...I thought may be within some time I will surely die out of suffocation. At last suddenly, I found myself shouting at top of my voice. My father next room rushed to me and took hold of me and at that time I realized that I am alive.What was that?? Was that another spirit or a mental blockade out of fear. till today I am yet to find a answer but then though people may not believe in such things, I am forced to believe in that supernatural power which almost finished me.

I was not dreaming.. how could one dream with his eyes and mouth wide open!! As per experts sometimes it happened when in sleeping posture, some portion of the body got trapped somewhere and that prevented the blood to flow in, triggering such type of incidents but then we can not completely negate the other side of the story too.

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