Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Managing Carrers and Expectations

Managing Careers and Expectations
Mr. R. Gopalakrishnan
Executive Director Tata Sons

1. Seek out grassroots level experience

I studied Physics and Engineering at University. A few months before graduation, I appeared for an HLL interview for Computer Traineeship. When asked whether I would consider Marketing instead of Computers, I responded negatively : an engineer to visit grocery shops to sell Dalda or Lifebuoy? Gosh, no way. After I joined the Company and a couple of comfortable weeks in the swanky Head Office, I was given a train ticket to go to Nasik. Would I please meet Mr. Kelkar to whom I would be attached for the next two months? He would teach me to work as a salesman in his territory, which included staying in Kopargaon and Pimpalgaon among other small towns. I was most upset. In a town called Ozhar, I was moving around from shop to shop with a bullock cart full of products and a salesman's folder in my hand. Imagine my embarrassment when an IIT friend appeared in front of me in Ozhar, believe it or not! And exclaimed, "Gopal, I thought you joined as a Management Trainee in Computers". I could have died a thousand deaths.
After this leveling experience, I was less embarrassed to work as a Dispatch Clerk in the Company Depot and an Invoice Clerk in the Accounts Department. Several years later, I realized the value of such grassroots level experience. It is fantastic. I would advise young people to seek out nail-dirtying, collar-soiling, shoe-wearing tasks. That is how you learn about organizations, about the true nature of work, and the dignity of the many, many tasks that go into building great enterprises.

2. Deserve before you desire

At one stage, I was appointed as the Brand Manager for Lifebuoy and Pears soap, the company's most popular-priced and most premium soaps. And what was a Brand Manager? "A mini-businessman, responsible for the production, sales and profits of the brand, accountable for its long-term growth, etc.,etc. I had read those statements, I believed them and here I was, at 27,"in charge of everything". But very soon, I found I could not move a pin without checking with my seniors. One evening, after turning the Facit machine handle through various calculations, I sat in front of the Marketing Director. I expressed my frustration and gently asked whether I could not be given total charge. He smiled benignly and said, "The perception and reality are both right. You will get total charge when you know more about the brand than anyone else in this company about its formulation, the raw materials, the production costs, the consumer's perception, the distribution and so on. How long do you think that it will take?" "Maybe, ten years", I replied, "and I don't expect to be the Lifebuoy and Pears Brand Manager for so long"! And then suddenly, the lesson was clear. I was desiring total control, long before I deserved it. This happens to us all the time - in terms of responsibilities, in terms of postings and promotions, it happens all the time that there is a gap between our perception of what we deserve and the reality of what we get. It helps to deserve before we desire.

3. Play to win but win with fairness

Life is competitive and of course, you play to win. But think about the balance. Will you do anything, to win? Perhaps not. Think deeply about how and where you draw the line. Each person draws it differently, and in doing so, it helps to think about values. Winning without values provides dubious fulfillment. The leaders who have contributed the most are the ones with a set of universal values! V Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King for example. Napoleon inspired a ragged, mutinous and half-starved army to fight and seize power. This brought him name and fame for twenty years. But all the while, he was driven forward by a selfish and evil ambition, and not in pursuit of a great ideal. He finally fell because of his selfish ambition. I am fond of referring to the Pierre de Coubertin Fair Play Trophy. It was instituted in 1964 by the founder of the modern Olympic Games and here are two examples of winners. A Hungarian tennis player who pleaded with the umpire to give his opponent some more time to recover from a cramp. A British kayak team who were trailing the Danish kayak team. They then stopped to help the Danish team whose boat was stuck. The Danes went on to beat the British by one second in a three hour event! What wonderful examples of sportsmanship! Play to Win, but with Fairness.

4. Enjoy whatever you do

Sir Thomas Lipton is credited with the statement, "There is no greater fun than hard work". You usually excel in fields, which you truly enjoy. Ask any person what it is that interferes with his enjoyment of existence. He will say, "The struggle for life". What he probably means is the struggle for success. Unless a person has learnt what to do with success after getting it, the very achievement of it must lead him to unhappiness. Aristotle wrote, "Humans seek happiness as an end in itself, not as a means to something else". But if you think about it, we should not work for happiness. We should work as happy people. In organizational life, people get busy doing something to be happy. The more you try to be happy, the
more unhappy you can get. Your work and career is all about you’re reaching your full potential. Working at one's full potential, whether it is the office boy or the Chairman, leads to enjoyment and fulfillment. A last point about enjoyment. Keep a sense of humor about yourself. Too many people are in danger of taking themselves far too seriously. As General Joe Stilwell is reported to have said, "Keep smiling. The higher the monkey climbs, the more you can see of his backside".

5. Direction is more important than distance

Every golfer tries to drive the ball to a very long distance. In the process, all sorts of mistakes occur because the game involves the masterly co-ordination of several movements simultaneously. The golf coach always advises that direction is more important than distance. So it is with life.
Despite one's best attempts, there will be ups and downs. It is relationships and friendships that enable a person to navigate the choppy waters that the ship of life will encounter. When I was young, there was a memorable film by Frank Capra, starring James Stewart and Dona Reed, and named IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE. It is about a man who is about to commit suicide because he thinks he is a failure. An angel is sent to rescue him. The bottom line of the film is that "No Man is a Failure Who Has Friends"

Friday, November 13, 2009

100 Great Google Docs Tips for Students & Educators

For students and teachers, the Google Docs collection provides a streamlined, collaborative solution to writing papers, organizing presentations and putting together spreadsheets and reports. But besides the basic features, there are lots of little tricks and hacks you can use to make your Google Docs experience even more productive. Here are 100 great tips for using the documents, presentations and spreadsheets in Google Docs.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Navigate your documents and screen a lot faster when you use these keyboard shortcuts for formatting and more.
  1. Ctrl+Home: Get back to the top of your doc.
  2. Ctrl+B: Bold.
  3. Ctrl+E: Center alignment
  4. Ctrl+L: Back to left alignment.
  5. Ctrl+M: Insert comment.
  6. Ctrl+H: Replace.
  7. Ctrl+End: Go to last cell in data region.
  8. Ctrl+Home: Go to first cell in data region.
  9. Shift+spacebar: Select entire row.
  10. Ctrl+Z: Undo.
  11. Ctrl+Y: Redo.
  12. Ctrl+spacebar: Select entire column.
  13. Ctrl+J: Full justify.
  14. Ctrl+Shift+L: Bulleted list.
  15. Ctrl+Shift+Space: Insert non-breaking space.
  16. Page Down: Move down one screen.
  17. Ctrl+K: Inset link.
  18. Ctrl+Shift+F: Full screen.
  19. Page Up: Move up one screen.
  20. Ctrl+Space: Remove formatting.
  21. Ctrl+: Heading style 1. Change the "1" to any number 1-6 and get the corresponding header.
Productivity Hacks
These hacks will make your Google Docs experience even more efficient and streamlined.
  1. Templates: Use Docs’ 300 templates to get started on different types of documents.
  2. Work offline: View and edit documents even when you don’t have access to an Internet connection.
  3. Create shortcuts: Create shortcuts and bookmarks for new documents, Google Docs home and more frequently visited pages.
  4. Save as different file types: Instead of converting docs to different file types, you can simply change it to HTML, RTF, PDG, ODT and more whenever you save it.
Features and Tools
Make use of features and tools like Docs Translation or CSS Editing to customize your docs and make them work for you.
  1. Polyline: Draw shapes and lines in Google docs to make graphs, images and examples.
  2. Docs Translation: Find the docs translator under Tools.
  3. Snap to Guides: With this Edit feature, you can line up shapes in your doc automatically.
  4. Reference tools: Google docs comes with access to a dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia that you can use within the document.
  5. CSS Editing: Change the display of your doc by manually plugging in your CSS text.
  6. HTML tags: Docs supports, or partially supports, some HTML tags, shown here.
One of the best things about Google Docs is that you get to share and collaborate on projects with others. Learn how to make the most of these features here.
  1. Shared foldersCreate shared folders and drag-and-drop items from other folders.
  2. Privacy: You can choose to have documents published publicly or privately.
  3. Share, don’t email: Instead of emailing docs back and forth, type in email addresses of people you’d like to share your Google document with, and they’ll be sent an editable, web copy.
  4. Make changes at the same time: You and your classmates can log into the same document at the same time to make edits.
  5. Share a folder: Share entire groups of documents saved in a single file with coworkers and students.
  6. Invite mailing lists as collaborators: You can share a document with all members of your email mailing lists with this function.
  7. Make a presentation in real-time: Invite others to view a presentation you’ve made as you see it too.
  8. Data validation: Make sure everyone is entering data into the spreadsheet the same way by controlling data validation settings.
  9. Allow people to edit without signing in: This means anyone, even if they don’t have a Google account, can sign in and edit your piece.
  10. Remove collaborators: If you want to take someone off a project, click None next to the name of the person you want to remove.
  11. Forum: If you get stuck with a docs problem, you can head over to the forums and find help from other users.
  12. Change ownership: Switch ownership of Google docs as project leaders change.
Files, Folders and Filters
Find out how to use files, folders and filters for optimum organization and a clearer display.
  1. View and unviewed: You can mark new shared documents as viewed or unviewed, like an inbox.
  2. Create subfolders: Make subfolders for better organization. Create, then choose to move it wherever you want.
  3. Drag-and-drop folders: Drag-and-drop folders and docs to spreadsheets, documents and presentations.
  4. Tag: Tag items with certain keywords instead of going to the trouble of moving them to a folder.
  5. Star: You can also star documents, like you would in Gmail.
  6. Upload multiple files: Click "select more files" to upload multiple files in Google Docs.
These hacks are designed to organize your Google Docs, from starting a new assignment to sharing and publishing.
  1. Color code folders: Color-code the names of folders.
  2. Insert bookmarks: Insert a link to another part of your document, like in a table of contents.
  3. Zip archive: Export Google docs, spreadsheets and presentations in a single ZIP archive.
  4. Block quote: Use this setting to automatically indent and set aside a long quote in your document.
  5. Minimize: Star only the docs you want to see at one time, and minimize everything in the left pane for a minimized view.
  6. Annotate with footnotes: Insert annotations as footnotes to your document easily.
  7. Preview templates: Preview a template before committing to it.
With these editing tools, you’ll track comments, save editing history and more.
  1. Color-code comments: You can color-code live comments in Google Docs.
  2. Revision pruning: When you have too many revisions, they’ll automatically collapse, or prune, but can still be viewed in revision history.
  3. Track edits and changes: In Google Docs you can go back and forth between edits that you or collaborators made.
  4. Revision history: View older versions of your document, and choose to "revert to this one" if you choose.
  5. Find and replace: This version of find and replace lets you match cases, match whole words, find previous words, and more.
Make your Google Docs work with other tools too.
  1. Preview docs in Gmail: You can preview Google docs attachments in Gmail.
  2. Google Finance: Enter information from Google Finance into spreadsheets with this formula Syntax: =GoogleFinance("symbol"; "attribute").
  3. Sync with Office Documents: With Syncplicity, you can sync Google Docs with Microsoft Office.
  4. Sync with your server: To work offline, your documents will have to be synced to your server.
  5. Google Mobile: Use Google Mobile to access docs on your phone.
Google Docs uses Google search to find documents and more.
  1. Search PDFs: There’s a search box in the upper right corner of your PDF document.
  2. Search for docs using keywords: If you don’t remember the title of a doc, type in keywords from the document instead.
  3. Advanced search: Find documents by selecting who you’ve shared with, keyword, title, and more.
  4. Search the web: Highlight a word and search the web for matching websites and images.
  5. Search operators: Search operators will help you find starred, hidden and other documents quickly. Example: [is:starred]
Learn how to make and present projects with videos, images and more.
  1. Embed a presentation in a website: Add your class presentations to your website or blog by publishing and pasting the HTML code that is revealed.
  2. Insert tables: You can insert tables into Google Presentations, too.
  3. Sequentially reveal objects on a slide: Bullets and text boxes will be revealed one at a time if you select this option.
  4. Custom colors: You can choose custom colors to add to your presentation.
  5. Hide the gray bar: In presentation view, click on the icon in the upper-right corner of the gray bar at the bottom of your screen to make it disappear.
  6. Chat: Chat with your audience in view presentation mode. You’ll need Adobe Flash Player 8 or above.
  7. Insert videos: You can add videos to your presentation, minimize and maximize it, and move it around your screen.
  8. Hide chat: Keep everyone quiet during your presentation by clicking the left side of the chat module.
  9. Organize slides: You can reorder slides, make duplicate slides, and insert new slides wherever you want.
  10. Replace image and video placeholders: Depending on your presentation’s template, you can replace placeholders with an actual image or video.
With spreadsheets, you can create forms, reports, invoices, portfolios, and other docs that solve problems, save email addresses and more.
  1. Google search inside your spreadsheet: Highlight a word, right click, and select Search the web.
  2. Print as PDF: Choose to print your spreadsheet as a PDF if you want all formatting to stay intact.
  3. Live lookup: Use the following formula in a cell to ask Google to look up quantitative information: Syntax: =GoogleLookup("entity"; "attribute").
  4. Roman function: Have numbers displayed as Roman numerals with this formula =ROMAN(number, form).
  5. Create forms: Google Spreadsheets has various templates for forms you can create and have people fill out.
  6. Edit forms: Add section headers to make it easier to divide up forms and make them easier to fill out.
  7. List view: Select list view to load spreadsheets faster, view from your mobile phone and access basic editing features.
  8. Protect sheet: Select Protect sheet to prevent certain collaborators from editing it.
  9. Automatically add email addresses: If you have Google Apps, the email addresses of the people who fill out the form will automatically be saved.
  10. Scientific notation: Adjust spreadsheets so that cells display in scientific notation.
  11. Solve: Maximize and minimize values when you solve problems in your cells.
  12. Add and delete comments: You can add, delete and edit comments in spreadsheets too.
  13. Freeze columns and rows: Freeze rows and columns to stop editing.
These tasks, from printing to tracking tournaments, are examples of other ways you can use Google Docs.
  1. Print as a webpage: You can print your doc so that it displays as a web page.
  2. Insert mathematical equations: Insert Equation makes an equation editor dialog box appear to add an equation to your doc.
  3. GoogleTournament: Create brackets, and let Google automatically update data according to the Men’s and Women’s NCAA Division I Basketball Championship.
  4. Enable offline access: You can install offline access for Google Docs to edit existing documents anywhere.
  5. Track analytics: Track visits to published documents.
  6. Update posts: You can republish posts that are already on your web page if you want to make edits and support an updated version.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

45 Lessons Life Taught Me

 Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:"
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4.. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick.. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument.. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it will not screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie... Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
25. Frame every so-called disaster with these words ''In five years, will this matter?".
26. Always choose life.
27. Forgive everyone everything.

"28. What other people think of you is none of your business."
29. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.
30. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
31. Don't take yourself so seriously... No one else does.
32. Believe in miracles.
33. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
34. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
35. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
36. Your children get only one childhood..
37. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
38. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
39. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
40. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
41... The best is yet to come.
42. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
43. Yield.
44. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.


Remember that I will always share my spoon with you! Friends are the family that we choose for ourselves.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Tax payers money wasted by Congress; reminds Aam Aadmi a date to remember

A beautiful mind, Congress have its own when it declares a 20% annual pay to be cut for all its members for draught relief fund . Really, the act shows Congress a real Aam Aadmi’s party thinks beyond the limit. But on the other hand the advertisement of Rajiv Gandhi’s birthday in all daily newspapers that to from almost all of the ministries shows how careless these people are and it is nothing but a wasteful expenditure of tax payers money.

What it wants to showcase, is it how a great leader the congress had or to appease the high command. Ironically, no one commented on this wasteful expenditure. There can not be any justification when the country is under severe draught situation, spiraling price rise and swine flu attack.

Despite having funds for these social works, it finds a beautiful way to siphon off the tax payers money and the opposition is busy with its so called chintan baithak. There is virtually no one to take this issue.

Being an Indian, I do not find any reason to remember a birth day of a former PM and I do not remember the other’s B day too. Congress would have found a better way to utilize the money rather to waste it like this.

It is a matter of shame that politicians here in India are never worried about the people. Somebody wants a hefty amount for establishing statues and some wants to publish its achievement but no one seems to be really concerned about the plight of the people.

At the time when country needs a affirmative action from the ruling coalition, it is busy with publishing advertisements.

Monday, August 17, 2009

A Kaminey act from the makers of "Kaminey": writing of "Apna Hath Jagannath" on bathroom door

I was quite shocked when I noticed "Apna Haath Jagannath" in the movie Kaminey on the door of the bathroom( latrine). A non sense act..I never expected such stuffs from Vishal Bharadwaj..Though I know his movies are little bit out of genre and high voltage ones. The saying on the wall was quite visible and its almost for more than 1 mins and i was hurt when people laughing at that post.

May be the makers of Kaminey do not know Jagannath ( the lord of the world ) or may be it is a kaminey stuff from the kamineys over there.Such degradation of Hindu gods are quite a ritual in western countries but at least it is beyond expectation here in India.

whatever the meaning of the saying ( must be negative I think ) but the depiction of such things in those places and flashing in the big screen will not do any good to the movie makers but it is like showing our own culture in wrong shades.

I, on behalf of all odiyas would like to request Kaminey makers not to show/remove that from the movie and Mr bharadwaj must apologize for the same.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Break India, says China think-tank...China's real intention unveiled

NEW DELHI: India may have survived doomsday predictions — once a favourite pastime of the West — of its balkanization but that does not seem to have deterred the Chinese. On Tuesday, New Delhi took exception to an article on a quasi-official Chinese website, which boasted that the “great Indian federation” was ripe for dismemberment if Beijing tried just a little.

Posted on April 8 on the website iiss.cn (International Institute for Strategic Studies), the article detailed a roadmap for breaking up India. “To split India, China can bring into its fold countries like Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan, support Ulfa in attaining its goal for Assam’s independence, back aspirations of Indian nationalities like Tamils and Nagas, encourage Bangladesh to give a push to the independence of West Bengal and lastly recover the 90,000 sq km territory in southern Tibet,” the write-up said.

The article claimed that India as a nation never really existed in history. It was held together by “decadent” Hinduism which “encouraged caste and exploitation”.

“...China in its own interest and the progress of whole Asia, should join forces with different nationalities like Assamese, Tamils, and Kashmiris and support the latter in establishing independent nation-states of their own, out of India,” the article said.

The ardent hope has been sought to be justified by using the rhetoric of change. “Only after India has been broken up into 20-30 pieces will there be any real reform or social change in the country,” stressed the article meant for Chinese audience.

Hopes of a rebellion by Tamils may appear outlandish, but the article serves to corroborate fears in India about Beijing’s gameplan to encircle India in alliance with regimes in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal, of its support for Ulfa and other insurgent groups in northeast and its designs on Arunachal Pradesh which the Chinese insist on referring to as south Tibet. Not amused, India’s foreign ministry cautioned China, asking it to express opinions “after careful judgments based on the long-term interests of building a stable relationship”.

Seeking to hold Beijing to its official statements, an MEA spoksperson said the article “appears to be an expression of individual opinion and does not accord with the officially stated position of China on India-China relations conveyed to us on several occasions, including at the highest level, most recently by state councillor Dai Bingguo during his visit to India last week”.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tribute to Friends: Straight from heart…..

Writing a testimony to near and dear ones is a uphill task..when u have to write in such a way that it covers all aspects of the person ..the positives and the negatives but it might create the extra distance if there is lack of understanding..Though I always try to put my best to describe the person ..there is lot to pen for the loved ones..and there is not enough space and time for me..

A long pending and much awaited testi...for this guy. I always wonder how to start and where to start..A face quite distributing ( not disturbing..) and cynosure of all eyes ( genders dont matter)..A cutie and charming character and a great cricketer ( he has all the bats and all the balls in his court only..ha ha). The mine wizard with a complete open relationship always listen to the call of nature and exchange pleasantries. The complete veg icon and the only brahmin in the fraternity always perform puja for the needy but the history had a different chemistry with the geography as accidents are bound to happen. A bachelor in dating dates back and forth and the search is on for a date to reckon with..There is more to pen for but words are not enough..Sky is not the obvious limit for this guy..wish him a buzzing life ahead.

The Yummy.......
The brand that is Saranga..the only extreme sociable member of the Bindass Odiya group..the one who co-ordinates, organises and executes till the End. The Guru of cooking may hurt sentiments of dear Bhabhis when he takes charge of Rasoi..Once committed but still omitted has his own tale to tell. The gr8 odiya poet carves his heart in his writings. This cool guy has his own way of making style statements…His hairs are his greatest possession ..and he keeps playing with it always. I wish him an ever smiling time.

Jaga Bhai..the go getter guy with a little bit modification " Pare Kariba" in his own style...his way of talking is the new gossip in the town ( read our Bindass group). The extreme caring man keeps no stones unturned..Politics not a bad phrase for him as he has his otherwise ambitions to see himself as a true leader..Our trip manager has the ability to walk along with group members alike. The true married bachelor has always something to offer...go get it.

jayanta sahu
Always seems to be on a call..and definitely in a hurry to attend it ( not that nature call..ha ha)..thats why always keeping a safe distance , never let his otherwise gopians heard by anybody else..he makes sure that he is the only 1 to attend it.Always ready with facts and figures..issues dont matter , a cool and smiling persona, he has that the ability to turn tables upside down

I dont know Alee and his attitude of saying YES to every one..but this handsome, dashing guy has points to make in every occasion..the strength of opposition not holding any water before him. Aspirations never ending..be it the civil services or otherwise the evil services ( read the service he renders in cinehalls and parks..ha ha..).The skeleton of the bindass odiya group has the power to add the X factor for the group and the fear factor to anybody else. We all know that Indians are argumentative but this Indian has something beyond that called creative argument..loved and liked by ALL.

Baby, the cute lil girl is no longer a baby girl..ha ha..just kidding.This lil sis of mine is now busy engineering a new era of her own.The transition from Rourkela to Berhampur has taken some of her charms but she welcomes the new change. A bit confused with her math skills but the hard work paid it for her..She deserves a bit more and like they say this is just the beginning and there is a long path to draw the lines...So, Baby!! all the best and keep moving...n keep smiling always.

Sidharth..nick named model..role model to many but for us ( close friends) he is the one best alternative to Bollywood's John Abraham..Seriously most of us had a thought that he will carve himself a place in B'wood but time has something else to share with him. Victor..as friends call him is always ready to venture into unknown territories with highly motivational attitude. He likes to take the life as it comes and always there to help you in need. Never missed a chance to showcase his style in cricket. In UCE perhaps we are the strongest branch in terms of cricket team at least..ryt Sidhu..I have in mind the fresh memories of UCe as well as our Rkl stincts..miss u and all our group mates buddy.. wish u a cheerful journey of life.

जय माता दी
One of the straight forward boy..pinkesh has the ability to take the bull by its horns.Beware if u deviate from the right way,this person gonna make u fall in line by his witty remarks . A cool boy started taking seriously the MBA gyan right at the end of NPTI life and may be who knows the no 1 position is not so far..He has a hidden talent of cooking..try it with him.He is quite spiritual too..ye mata ki bhakt hai..vaade ki sakta hai..so pinku do remember me..All the best..

gaurav..i call him the married bachelor..excuse me yaar..u r the first to tie the knot among NPTIans in our batch.The bihari boy has it all..from the financial knowhow to the market gyan..the pioneer to introduce a lot more to the balance sheet of ANANDMATH MESS.I cherish the moments we had at NPTI...the late night playing cards to mess meetings...all.A cool character with a brilliant mind has all the powers to make it big.wish u all the best for ur future ...

commonly known as dada..very famous for his superb health and talking style,another discovery of the great NPL,a fast bowler in cricketing field and a great badminton player.Dada ko ghusa bahut jaldi aata hai..like original dada(quote: sourav gangully).dada is also famous for his bengali rasagullas..but go to his room and u will find another smoke chamber..Dada quit that bad thing out of ur life and do remember me ..all the best for ur career ahead.

raju..apna bhau.a cool character and a trade mark late comer in the mess never indulges in "khincha tani".He has his own tallent though hidden,we came to know about his
cricketing talent in NPL(the great NPTI premier league).Always ready to help and never complaining attitude makes him a clear winner among us.I wish u great career ahead and please do remember me in ur ups and down ..cheers buddy.

ajay...the speed machine, be it his bowling or running between the wicket, is amazing.He has equal capability in slow as well as fast delivery,keeping him is always been a challenge for me.Apart from cricket ,a cool guy often shows his anger in a peculiar manner, is going great guns these days.He has to ball in a bouncy pitch of life , i hope he will definitely get his line and length correct in life..good luck buddy.

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Mak..the lover boy..i mean u wont find a single person who does the other thing around.my mate in more than one respect..i like his smiling and he is the sole supplier of latenight movies..thanks to him for making the NPTI moments memorable.Remember our trip to the royals..Rajasthan,the dharamsala and late night hotel search.your warm attitude and guju style will remain forever in my heart.I wish u a gr8 career ahead,remember me in ur ups and down..good luck buddy.

kmu in short.. is famous for his dance and his songs though few know about his hidden talent and the way he managed the affairs( be it tours or the messy mess..) was just brilliant though i had been associated with him but his cool and calmness took all the lime light.The keralite with his ability in hindi speaking amazed many.The KUTIYAMA story..will be always remembered my friend.The only muchhad man with 1722 will take ABPS to a greater height..cheers buddy..do remember me in ur ups and down. good luck.......

subhashree chand
lucky..the girl i met @UCE and we began with a fight and i afraid it still continues...just like hum tum.our philosophy are complete contrast to each other and so does our style.so true friendship starts the sour way.right..we locked horn many times at uce but yaar ye sab to hota hi rahta hai life mein.at last sab gilesikwe door hogaye..and that becomes a part of the sweet memory now.she does not forget to visit those days when we meet.now the role has completely changed..she was the first to tie knot in our branch and show others the way(please understand the implicit meaning) Ha Ha..right subhasree with a passion to touch the sky ..ab gujrat mein kya chal raha hai..chand badal mein chuupa hai ya apne chupa liya hai.

naran is my school mate,college mate and a very uceian like me.the journey started when we were at school playing together and then 2 beautiful years in govt college rourkela.we met together once again in uce burla and the group strengthened as volcano erupted like anything ..hey naran do u remember those kissing days gift we planned together and what not.now its a journey very different and naran is not far behind ,this rourkelaite is going gr8 guns in bhubaneswar.hope the volcano erupts again...

subbu darling..we call him at uce.a fantastic guy with a cheerful personality.
gussa to uske naak pe tha..ab kahan par he pata nahin.
kibe mane achi to mo katha..hum dono jaisa hai kaun yahan...last song played at the farewell day in ur room made me cry.woh lamhe..woh baatein koi na jane..hop meet u soon bcos i believe the world is too small and round.wats ur take..

hamare pyare mili dei...as we call her,now a canadian resident but an indian by heart n birth.
so mili dei..ur very right, its very difficult to write your testimony as u r not just one of my so called ulta pulta friend or nor my girl friend (ur version...).but ya one thing i promised u and i m just trying my best to carve it out for u.
so here comes the ever smiling (look the photo though its not her real pic),loving and very caring milli(remember the role played by jaya bacchan in milli fame).so a truely outward person ready to listen u and guide u with her timetasted philosophy.wanna share the deep feelings of ur heart ,never shy she is the one u can bet on,i mean she is a true friend of friends,i do not know the other way around.for me..i could not forget those gold old days of my sweet shaktinagar where we had some beautiful moments...hope u remember.

rajesh..the don of our batch.so cute n shy that he could not make it a day for that soni kudi.a lover of old hindi songs especially lovestory n hero.very fond of bengali sweets,bengali divas and above all bengali gals.but one thing he would like to have one day (i.e) apna sapna money money...and he is just like an power exchange where u can trade open access,no barrier and no restriction.no congestion fees though it is over crowded.i mean to say a small men having a big heart with no regulations ,wanna play just register urself in rajeshthedon.com....never b worried ..HUM HAIN NA..

so here comes ajay..the individualistic principled master dinanath(Agneepath fame).
very serious...time of the day kind of person,hates listening the word group so much though the purpose a good one.he has the ability to drag u to the core of his belief and knowledge until unless u r convinced what he says..or just say goodbye or just agree to disagree.neverthe less his heart is a clean balance sheet ,he can build up assets and has the power to take the liability for the great cause of the society and nation at large.BRAVO AJAY...

Prafull..incidentally carrying my fathers name so he is for me MY BAAP.ha ha..just jokin.
Mota bhai of our batch as commonly known,he is having a gr8 structure within n outside.the man from the vibrant state of gujrat has lot to offer,having a vast experience in the electricity field,he is all out for the placement of our batch.his flexibility in the cricket ground is worth watching.the ever smiling face makes him a hit among us.hope he will grow bigger n bigger in size in coming future(dont take it otherwise)....the next GURU in the making.just wait n watch.

Pravat..as the name implies,is just like supravat..(good morning).
sober,calm and quite...not very extrovert ,seems to hide a lot of thing inside.
The only person from the D gang(not dawood yaar..just guess what could it be) we had in our kitty.
he deserves more than the NTPC..slow but steady his decisions are well thought out.
A team person more focussed on winning strategy.
Sun shines with a big smile wishing all a gr8 su PRAVAT..

Parminder ..sounds like a great singer..yes he is..always on the roll.straight forward guy,nothing to hide about..answers right from his core of the heart.The mess rep is very choosy about the food served though he alone cant change the game altogether.The ever smiling person is always on the top to take the responsibility.carry on the spirit buddy.all the best.

Our branch opener never let us go down unlike sehwag.when he enters the field we were sure of at least a half century...built the confidence within us.leads us from the front..a perfect jodidar of bib..his room was our first common room where we used to do our planning,brain storming and what not...the old uce days keeps refreshing in my mind always and those moments we shared are just unforgetable .
when GOD says let there be light..its deepti over there at uce.though we called him with several names..deeptida is the best.all the best deepti..do remember us sometimes.

Abhisek, the person i have not met till now but his friendship drives me crazy to meet him once.he is such a nice guy and the first initiative was from him and the friendship matures.i can only say u must be a person with vernacular capabilities and a lovable person.god bless u abhisek hope we will meet soon bcos i believe the world is very small and we r very big compared to that.

Click to chatMonalisha
hamare pyare monaji..jovial as always..just like flower spreads fragrance..does not demand anything in return.not like that secretsmile of monalisha(the picture) as everyone wonders..she
smiles with her heart out.though sometimes we locked horns at several issues...she is a friend with clear note.hope she finds her better half asap.good luck mona.

Bib..always happy..u will never be bored with him..usne to dil ke tukde tukde kar ke rakhe huen hai taki in future koi na bol sake are tune mujhe aapne dil mein jagah nahin diya..bol ke dekho he will create space for everyone he meets and thats the bib for u.now shaking hands with customers and someday u will find on the front page of TOI rubbing shoulders with the president of USA..never the less he is a distant dreamer aur jo sapne dekhta hai wohi usko haquekat mein badalne ki himat rakhta hai.
keep going my friend i am always with you.

mere pyare site..as i call him is the binding glue of our batch of uce02.sharp in mind and soft at heart still searching someone else...i dont know who will be the luckiest person to tie the knot with him.but the man behind the scene is very powerful indeed.geographical barrier dont matters at all...u will get a response definitely.the josh with the hosh makes a completel man..i call joshiji.

Seeing is believing..that is what i can tell about this person.
our sakha karyabah is going great guns these days...
need any help..just give him a hint and the rest will be history..that is what i can assure all.

the wings of fire not only burn but also fly..check it out with tushar.

Tanmaya...babu masay of our batch.buddies fluck around his room when he returns from home 4 those rassagullas and sandesh.he never denies anybody with the sweet or the sweetness he is having.A double NPTIan, he has his engg skills with management insights in his armour.A lover of songs he has a huge collection of hindi songs..wanna some, contact him.The nawab saha of the bengal hopes dada can only bring the world cup for india..may his dream comes true.

Vikas..the witty boy of our class...girls beware somebody watchin.makhan chor ka photo laga rakha hai lekin churata kuch aur hai..DIL.The only IT wizard of our batch makes his presence felt inside the class room and the assignment is only to be copied and pasted...forgive me ..as he is a computer guy altogether.uska glamour dekha hai kabhi...hritik to chalata hai par ye to udata hai...baap re.
always there to help u out...bolke dekhlo.

Pranjal...one of the real RC lover..though there are many in the race but i think he will have the larger pie.Right pranjal..ever smiling attitude with a soft heart makes a perfect person out of him.u would love to have his company..but beware at the badminton court some of his shots really hurts.i was lucky to survive till now.as the name suggests he is the CDM of our batch..pure..fresh and clean light..thats the PRANJAL PRAKASH for u.we love u dude.

Azhar bhai batate hain "SANGITA BIJLANI is a female" a billion dollar answer,do u people ever noticed that in SB..ha ha haaaaaaaa.YUP rightly answered to a wrong question thrown at him at the freshers party.Par yaar apun ko hyderabadi poti and THE ANGREZ mangta..kya.kuch jugad kar jaldi se...ustad hai..He is beter be known by his smile and walking style.kabhi dekha hai iss naak mein dum ladke ko.The first bencher of our class is always ready to contribute...what?? better ask him.

Aditya,the lil cute shy boy of our batch.the right jain at heart n mind.dont dare to lock horns with him or u r out of the mess with no food...with his smiles only, he generates the required fund for the mess without any effort.Radhe bhaiya..as he calls me is something soothes my heart.I love his presence and hope the vice versa comes true for me..The rising sun has a healing power and so does he.wanna refresh urself..visit him once.

Siva..the learning guy(HINDI).ever charming.we enjoyed together the cold chilly night here at NPTI.
his famous words for me "tipati aao..chapati kao" is something unforgetable.facing little bit problems with the north indian thali and the hindi language..but he is coping with it faster.
a keen learner and a swift player of badminton...he is the youngest face of our batch.sometimes i unknowingly hurt him..but hope he could forgive me for that.After all its always the PERCEPTION.
His presentation on the highlighted topic was one of the best presentation i have ever witnessed.
keep smiling always buddy.

avinash..sarvanash...harry...topper...ek naam nahin hai iska.apna to bas chalta hi rahta hai..
kabhi head butt to kabhi kuch.abinash se mera 36 ka aakda hai...hope he too enjoyed me a lot.
kya bataaoon koi to mera chugli leta hai..thats this guy abinash.need material..need help,need 2 clarify the doubts,always there to help u out.he is such a nice guy and a swayamsevak.
i love him a lot.

Rome is not built in a day and so does Romin.Bose is a close competitor of Nitin in PC matter.
but romin da ka baat alag hai...sabke side effects unko mallom rahta hai ..CHALO DELHI..same slogan as delivered by the bose the great but the maksad is differnt.for one it is home calling fot the other it is nation calling.time has changed so did the bose and in a new avatar so welcome the new BOSE.

TILKESH...the wonder boy..following the kaizen concept
inching towards success every time.i have seen him changed a lot...we discussed so many topics and that to in english...curiousity is the buzz word..lot of ideas and creativity.to implement those thing a herculian task but together we can and we will..
bcos we are in and we are in to win tilkesh.come what may we will get it.
carry on Lambu i m with u always.

Praveer...the real VEER..what kind of a relation do i have with him.
a sakha bhai,a friend,my student or what.i dont know exactly but his burning desire to give back to the society drives me crazy about him.just meet once with this chap...u will keep meeting with this person ,he has that kind of quality with him.we have a lot of similarity..hope his dream comes true and our dream of BHARRAT takes its original position in this world.

Abode of clouds
JALAN nop not from RBI..from NPTI.chacha as we call him but for me guru...on many respect.
He is a complete man minus angrezi plus Rajanigandha.His convincing power and ability keeps the class at bay always.ask him any question,he is there to answer you.the MIS topper of our class
shows his class at the court...challenge his ability..you will always be dancing at the court.amazing ..the drop shots he makes..not much effort but the hope is going for the opponents.
thats PULKIT for u...the SHAMI KAPOOR of our batch.Always nodding his head..and singing
aaja..aa aa aaja.aajjaaa...to the court yaar...pulkit comes calling to the court..wanna play.

Click to chatShamik
shamik da..the only person to whom i can share my engg ideas...
right, same branch yaar...we both want to produce but what..
thats a billion dollar question???????
u tell what u want...he will get u within seconds..
the most seniorfriendly boy of our class.
given a chance even an english fellow has to bite his own finger..i mean he is such a fast speaker
that sometimes we think angrez to chalegaye baki ek ko chod diya.thats shamik for u..even to spell his name correctly is a difficult task..shaaaamik.
his hard hit shots in badminton/TT will have his opponent always on the move.as long as he is there in the court..the opponent cant take rest.
wish this hard hitter a great serve in his life.

Click to chatSharad Mishra
apna very own mishraji...the MOBILE Man.
better to get feedback on quants from the champ rather than the JA.
lucknow ki gazak khakar maja aa gaya ...Delhi is not far from this boy.
just take a fraction of seconds and a phone call..and u can catch him at...so many place
pure confidential...lot of friends..instead,the mobile keeps ringing all the time.
just take the cell away..he will be bowled on a duck or else it is always a six.
an all rounder be it in cricket or study.
wish this after sorry person a gr8 life ahead.

Power Shot
Ever smiling ....thats the name suggests...
but alas..then..not...kya...its true yaarrr.
no one will deny it..here is the boy JHANJHARIA 4 u only.
the economics wizard thus a bit of maintenance hand too.
does not matter though i m always his favourite target for all such pranks.
carry on harsh..i m always at ur disposal bcos i love to be hang around u.

Rakesh punjab da munda.
Prayas helped the inner leadership coming out of this beautiful chap.
He has an unique style of functioning ...helped reach PRAYAS sees the light of the day..i mean
popularized it among our batch.A quest for creativity infuse new theories and ideas into the endeavour.i loved the way he enters the class really speaking my heart out man...
the confidence says it all...i can do it.

carry on Rakesh ..u r not out of responsibility.

He is the leader in spearheading the great war against BBA...got it.
its back bachao andolan..and hopefully we got it.
A person always leading from front...especially when it comes to the cultural affairs.
singlehandedly written the scripts,directed it and acted in the lead role bringing laurels to the
1st semester boys .now its another kind of prayas we are into and no doubt we will do it once again.the mimicry boy within us...PEHCHAN KAUN type.no its not mr verma nor it is mr kumar.
its our very own SHARAD...the lion.

NITIN...The Doctor of our batch..specialization in software and hardware
have any problem..he is just a call away.
the Sumaccar in making but not in formula 1 ..its in formula2...thats the two wheeler.
A passion for driving..though i am not lucky enough to enjoy the ride with him till now.
but i really praise his patience and dedication.
the never say die attitude makes him a billion dollar boy of our batch.
Let the GUPTA dynasty prevails.

Ratnesh Gupta
the guy from the beautiful Bhopal
Always in the forefront...give him any responsibilty YUP is the answer
never shy away from doin anything
Mera competitor...u need to find that boys...
not gonna tell u that.
i like the style of this person a lot.
GABAR ka naam suna hai kabhi...nehin are koi gaon ko chlejao and ask any mother.
here comes the reply...gupta darling.

left brousing
gaurav...bas naam hi kafi hai..
kya kare apna sakaal ka taj chingaya yaar...
the first person i met at NPTI..
full of energy...and a real fan of Manju mam.
the source of VIRUS..definition upto u.
Dil deke dekho..dil deke dekho ..dil deke dekho ji
i m not sure whether u will get it back or not
because no way out from there.
all D best gaurav.

Next to him come the madam(sonia)....
she may regret but he is steadfast in his decision..
our lovely X CR goimg great gun these days...
Hollywood keeps calling....but all in vain.
Its INDIA CALLING right at the time..
just wait n watch the real DOST...
i wish a big V for u dear.

Dey babu...
The right man in a wrong SEB...
The inspiration source of power reformers
full of ideas to twist the sector thru 360 degree.
dont dare to defame the name of odisha or else be ready to pay the royalty...
a perfect jack of all trades and master of .................infinity
need help ,go and consult...subjects dont matter.

Apna vivez bhai...
sacrifice with action and control...
control ka jara locha hai phir bhi chalega...
dont dare to visit him at late at night bcos u may not be able to visit anyone else thereafter.
Unhe rokpana ...ASAMBHAV hai.
An pure odiya at heart and dreams...
known NPTIwide as kaliya piliya...
LOVE U vivez bhai.

Mera purana padosan...
we call him Big B
BHAI in true sense..

The captain of T&P fame.
happy go lucky person with a attracting smile.....
as his name indicates this is just the beginning...
a GURU in the making.
Love U Ankur.


can not be expressed in words.
can only be felt within.

satya u have not changed.after 8 year we met and i feel that u r with me always.rememeber those hey days of our college life goin together to movies,to college ,solving problems,i never forget.
wat can i say being a friend is ....just speechless.just keep smiling like that.
bye take care.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Men..as house husbands..a gr8 idea

I think men are better off househusbands.I can bet on..go to any single's room in the city and u will definitely find boys are better organised than the girls.The case in example is one of my friend, he is a bachelor, working executive in a big major in India and he has everything in his house ( all modern evil necessaries without wife)and his house is more organised than any married persons.He loves cooking and takes pleasure to invite guests in his house.Married couples visit his room and get surprised.Even I know cooking and do all my household work, ironically when I asked three of my lady colleaguesabout whether they know cooking or not, they abruptly refused saying that they dont like doing all such homely things and wish for their would be husbands be an expert in at least cooking kind of things.So definitely there is some change in air and more and more boys love cooking but being a house husbands??? let me think whether I m ready or not.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Sunday Sandwich………

Nops..you get it wrong!! Its not about a sandwich in a Sunday breakfast nor a recipe in a particular off day that I am going to talk , rather its’ a peculiar system to be implemented in my work place to make people fall in line ( as the management says)..But for us it’s a draconian rule to cut short our so called off days already sanctioned by our company.

The leave rule says it all. The system of granted leave days ( Casual as well as planned leaves and there is another googly in terms of Excursion Leaves) All total the company gives us 30 leaves and there is 11 more from the national holiday side and that too for Raksha Bandhan , it’s a half day leave for us and there also included 1 more leave that is the election day this year ( as if it is occurring every year, I hope Indian are not that idiots to have elections each year but the politicians are..) .

Now, lets come to Sunday Sandwich. The management says that if you take leaves and in between Sunday is one of day coming in between, then this also will be counted as a regular leave like your planned leaves means for others it’s a holi day and for those unlucky people this will be totally un holy in nature means this will be deducted from the total leaves sanctioned.

How strange the culture is!! But not that strange enough So people have to pack up and join the duty on Mondays so as to save that Sunday from being sandwiched..ha ha..quite funny.

But its true and people feel the heat too and I am now going to be victim of this peculiar rule as I am leaving for my home town for 8 continuous days with Sunday being sandwiched..

So friends, I am making a pure sandwich this Sunday , anybody hungry can avail it, but sorry its not a sandwich to be eaten but it’s a sandwich not existent but to be paid for..

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Excellent article on cancer


Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins :

1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime.

3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumours.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors.

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.

9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.


a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in colour. Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.

b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk, cancer cells are being starved.

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. eat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. bout 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).

. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. reen tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines becomes putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup.

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the body's own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, unforgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.