Friday, August 21, 2009

Tax payers money wasted by Congress; reminds Aam Aadmi a date to remember

A beautiful mind, Congress have its own when it declares a 20% annual pay to be cut for all its members for draught relief fund . Really, the act shows Congress a real Aam Aadmi’s party thinks beyond the limit. But on the other hand the advertisement of Rajiv Gandhi’s birthday in all daily newspapers that to from almost all of the ministries shows how careless these people are and it is nothing but a wasteful expenditure of tax payers money.

What it wants to showcase, is it how a great leader the congress had or to appease the high command. Ironically, no one commented on this wasteful expenditure. There can not be any justification when the country is under severe draught situation, spiraling price rise and swine flu attack.

Despite having funds for these social works, it finds a beautiful way to siphon off the tax payers money and the opposition is busy with its so called chintan baithak. There is virtually no one to take this issue.

Being an Indian, I do not find any reason to remember a birth day of a former PM and I do not remember the other’s B day too. Congress would have found a better way to utilize the money rather to waste it like this.

It is a matter of shame that politicians here in India are never worried about the people. Somebody wants a hefty amount for establishing statues and some wants to publish its achievement but no one seems to be really concerned about the plight of the people.

At the time when country needs a affirmative action from the ruling coalition, it is busy with publishing advertisements.

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